We are delighted to announce that AA Service UK have been awarded the Highly Commended award for Family run Appliance Repair Company of the Year at the Jemison Hotel London. In presenting the award the judging panel commended the company for “Not only does the company demonstrate considerable determination and hard work, its approach to providing high levels of customer services throughout a wide variation of work were the main factors in it being awarded the Highly Commended accolade.” “To have a successful business it is paramount to have reliable members of staff that you can truly depend on and trust. We work hard to provide our customers with an excellent service and as a relatively small team we are driven to go the extra mile to please them,” explained our director. “Our customers are at the heart of everything we do and it is essential that they are satisfied. We understand that if we provide a great service for a reasonable price, they will recommend us and this has been a key reason for our growth.”
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